
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Surgery 249
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
A slightly shorter show this week... and a special one... drawing from one of my favourite resources: The Quietus. I'm a fan of year end lists, but sometimes they can be quite repetitive. A break in the repetition is what The Quietus year end list always provides. And discoveries aplenty. They've also starting doing midyear lists as well, and this week's show has eleven tracks from albums they've picked and ones that we'd either overlooked or were just plain not on our radar. Enjoy.
Loraine James - Reflection (Hyperdub)
Manslaughter 777 - World Vision Perfect Harmony (Thrill Jockey)
Colleen - The Tunnel and the Clearing (Thrill Jockey)
Eilien - Digital Lovers (Genot Centre)
Jorja Chalmers - Midnight Train (Italians Do it Better)
Dean Blunt - Black Metal 2 (Rough Trade)
Khalab & M'berra Ensemble - M'berra (Real World Records)
Lisel - Mycelial Echo (Luminelle)
Kas - Like Sunlit Threads (Ilian Tape)
Time Binding Ensemble - Nothing New Under the Sun (Kit Records)
William Doyle - Great Spans of Muddy Time (Tough Love)
Track Listing
Loraine James - On the Lake Outside [0:00]
Manslaughter 777 - Jump and Spread [5:00]
Colleen - Hidden in the Current [7:19]
Eilien - Blue Skies [11:56]
Jorja Chalmers - I'll Be Waiting [16:51]
Dean Blunt - Nil By Mouth [21:00]
Khalab & M'berra Ensemble - Curfew [23:48]
Lisel - Wolves [29:13]
Kas - Last Silence [35:19]
Time Binding Ensemble - Nychthemera in F# Minor [38:22]
William Doyle - Theme from Muddy Time [41:58]

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Surgery 83
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Busy week necessitates a vintage episode... this one originally posted on July 7, 2009. Enjoy.
Groupshow - The Martyrdom Of Groupshow (~Scape)
Gareth Davis & Steven R. Smith - Westering (Important)
Giuseppe Ielasi - (Another) Stunt (Schoolmap)
Chihei Hatakeyama - Saunter (Room40)
Pillowdiver - Sleeping Pills (12k)
James Stephen Finn - The Antique Metronome (Cotton Goods)
Le Chat Blanc Orchestra - Ste-Claire Hotel (Make Mine Music)
Aaron Martin + Part Timer - Seed Collection (Mobeer)
Gregg Kowalsky - Tape Chants (Kranky)
Kreng - L'autopsie Phénoménale De Dieu (Miasmah)
Boduf Songs - There Is Something Hanging Above (Under the Spire)
Nils Frahm - The Bells (Kning Disk)
Final - Reading All The Right Signals Wrong (No Quarter)
Jóhann Jóhannsson - And In The Endless Pause There Came The Sound Of Bees (Mutesong)
Track Listing
Groupshow - Dog Shoes To The Stars [0:00]
Gareth Davies + Steven R. Smith - A Relic [2:28]
Giuseppe Ielasi - Part 5 [7:21]
Chihei Hatakeya - A stone inside the box [11:02]
Pillowdriver - Nineteen [16:04]
James Stephen Flinn - Ghosts Are Making Appearances On Closed Circuit [20:44]
Le Chat Blanc Orchestra - Stephen Harper Dreams Of Kyoto [23:04]
Part Timer - Darkness Settles Over Jones (Voice Of Jim) [29:48]
Gregg Kowalsky - IX [32:35]
Kreng - Aspyxia [36:48]
Boduf Songs - Deathbed Triumphs Of Eminent Lackwits [38:18]
Nils Frahm - Peter Is Dead In The Piano [44:14]
Final - Green [46:58]
Jóhann Jóhannsson - The Flat [56:35]

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Surgery 248
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Moin - Moot! (AD93)
Matthias Puech - A Geography of Absence (Nahal)
Fields We Found - Thanks (Ambientologist)
Genrietta - Park Kulturi (Dragon's Eye Recordings)
Dau - PSALM003: Zed Zed (Phantom Limb)
Green Kingdom - Empyrean (Dronarivm)
Koreless - Agor (Young)
Croatian Amor & Scandinavian Star - Spring Snow (Posh Isolation)
Loscil - Clara (Kranky)
Federico Durand - Herbario (Laaps)
Wil Bolton - Above the Neon Glow (Hidden Vibes)
Track Listing
Moin - Crappy Dreams Count [0:00]
Matthias Puech - Hollow [4:06]
Fields We Found - Give [8:13]
Genrietta - Leningradka [14:16]
Dau - Sundowing [19:46]
Green Kingdom - Cumulus Drift [25:33]
Koreless - Black Rainbow [29:55]
Croatian Amor & Scandinavian Star - Compass [34:17]
Loscil - Orta [39:24]
Federico Durand - Tomillo [46:26]
Wil Bolton - Pavillions [53:37]
Click on label links to purchase albums. Support the artists.

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Surgery 247
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Felinto - Futuro (Bokeh Versions)
Frédéric D. Oberland - Même Soleil (IIKKI)
Spivak - Rare Backwards (ECSTATIC)
Seabuckthorn - Spark and Singe (Bandcamp)
LTO - Daear (Denovali)
soccer Committee - Tell from the grass (Morc Records)
Masayoshi Fujita - Bird Ambience (Erased Tapes)
Island People - II (raster-media)
Tomosla - A small town in the mountains (Shimmering Moods)
Xu & Bill Seaman - smlsnd (Facture)
Innesti - Filament and Place (Dronarivm)
Track Listing
Felinto Futuro - Turmalina [0:00]
Frédéric D. Oberland - À Notre Nuit [5:10]
Spivak - Hype 2 [15:46]
Seabuckthorn - Emerge [18:48]
LTO - Noachia [23:03]
soccer Committee - Hazy [30:50]
Masayoshi Fujita - Bird Ambience [32:43]
Island People - Loneliness Has a Purpose [40:00]
Tomosla - Willow Beach [46:20]
Xu & Bill Seaman - How to fully define a flower [48:10]
Innesti - Nil Shore [55:32]

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Surgery 246
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Matt Christensen - Constant Green (Miasmah)
Ilyas Ahmed & Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - You Can See Your Own Way Out (Shining Skull)
Cindytalk - The Wind is Strong... (Dais)
Anthéne & Simon Mccorry - The Equation of Time (Whitelabrecs)
Braulio Lam - Balance de Blancos (Ediciones Eter)
Gabriella Smith & Gabriel Cabezas - Lost Coast (Bedroom Community)
Oh No Nuno! - The Boutique Mission (Folk Reels)
Marigold Sun - Swimming (Hush Hush)
Tapes and Topographies - In Muted Forms (Shimmering Moods)
Arushi Jain - Under the Lilac Sky (LEAVING RECORDS)
Dictaphone - Goats & Distortions (Denovali)
Not Waving - How to Leave Your Body (ECSTATIC RECORDS)
Track Listing
Matt Christensen - It's Hard Not to Love Everyone [0:00]
Ilyas Ahmed & Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Black Across White [4:52]
Cindytalk - On Snowmoor [11:15]
Anthéne & Simon Mccorry - Drift of Stars [18:00]
Braulio Lam - 3200K (Tungsteno) [22:30]
Gabriella Smith & Gabriel Cabezas - Bard of a Wasteland [28:28]
Oh No Nuno! - The Mighty Mountain of Resistance [32:48]
Marigold Sun - Swimming [36:27]
Tapes and Topographies - The current time in Oslo [40:05]
Arushi Jain - My People Have Deep Roots [44:48]
Dictaphone - Island 92 [48:45]
Not Waving - Last Time Leaving Home part 2 [52:43]

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Surgery 245
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
This week's show is a bit "off topic," precipitated by a combination of factors including a malfunction POS system that ate up the time generally used to gather new tracks. Rather than upload a "classic" episode I decided to put together this more song oriented one drawing from actual albums (unsexy CDs as pictured above) from my collection dating between 1999 and 2019... hope you enjoy the slight diversion.
Reigns - We Lowered a Microphone Into the Ground (Jonson Family)
David Grubbs - The Plain Where the Palace Stood (Blue Chopsticks)
Crescent - By the Roads and the Fields (FatCat)
Sol Seppy - The Bells of 1 2 (Gronland)
Anna & Elizabeth - The Invisible Comes to Us (Smithsonian Folkways)
Dolorean - Violence in the Snowy Fields (Yep Roc)
Carla dal Forno - Look Up Sharp (Kalista Records)
Rachel's - Selenography (Quarterstick)
How To Dress Well - The Anteroom (Domino)
Alexander Tucker - Old Fog (ATP)
Vanishing Twin - The Age of Immunology (Fire)
Castanets - City of Refuge (Asthmatic Kitty)
Pajo - Pajo (Drag City)
Tim Rutili & Craig Ross - 10 Seconds to Collapse (Jealous Butcher)
On Fillmore - Extended Vaction (Dead Oceans)
Track Listing
Reigns - Translating [0:00]
David Grubbs - The Hesitation Waltz [3:35]
Crescent - River Debris [5:46]
Sol Seppy - A to N [10:28]
Anna & Elizabeth - Irish Patriot [14:06]
Dolorean - My Grey Life (Second Chances)[20:02]
Carla dal Forno - Creep Out of Bed [23:17]
Rachel's - Artemisia [25:35]
How to Dress Well - Love Means Taking Action [28:54]
Alexander Tucker - The Patron Saint of Troubled Men [33:11]
Vanishing Twin - Language is a City (Let Me Out) [37:59]
Catanets - Refuge 2 [42:29]
Pajo - Let Me Bleed [47:17]
Tim Rutili & Craig Ross - Like a Rifle [52:37]
On Fillmore - Clearing Out [55:30]

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Surgery 244
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Hania Rani - Music for Film and Theatre (Gondwana Records)
Spheruleus - Canvas Homes + Supplémentaires (Whitelabrecs)
Ian Nyquist - Endless, Shapeless (Laaps)
Maxwell Sterling - Turn of Phrase (AD93)
Non Dolet - V (Time Released Sound)
Kevin Richard Martin - Return to Solaris (Phantom Limb)
M. Sage - The Wind of Things (Geographic North)
Leider - A Fog Like Liars Loving (Beacon Sound)
James Rushford - Lake from the Louvers (Shelter Press)
Vanessa Amara - Music for Acoustic Instruments & Feedback (Posh Isolation)
Ross Gentry - Prism of Dust (Polar Seas)
Sublamp - Breathletters (Dragon's Eye Recordings)
Track Listing
Hania Rani - Soleil Pâle [0:00]
Spheruleus - Let's Frame This [3:54]
Ian Nyquist - Field & Cliff [6:07]
Maxwell Sterling - Speaking in the Tongues of Angels [12:05]
Non Dolet - Flame [18:17]
Kevin Richard Martin - In Love With a Ghost [22:23]
M. Sage - Launching Mossy Scow [29:18]
Leider - The Weeping Wound [32:03]
James Rushford - U+25CF [37:01]
Vanessa Amara - Piano, Bells, & Two Reversed Tape Loops [42:03]
Ross Gentry - Nobody Wants to Be Here [47:26]
Sublamp - Echolaic [53:24]

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Surgery 243
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Matt Emery - Spotlight Series: Cello (Injazero)
Portico Quartet - Terrain (Gondwana)
J Foerster / N Kramer - Habitat (LEAVING RECORDS)
Sau Poler - Nocturno (Atomnation)
Andrew Tasselmyer - Impulses (Home Normal)
Six Organs of Admittance - The Veiled Sea (Three Lobed)
Yoshinori Hayashi - Pulse of Defiance (Smalltown Supersound)
David Granström - Empty Room (Hallow Ground)
Todd Anderson-Kunert - You Promised (Room40)
Halftribe - Lucent Forms Travelling (Hidden Vibes)
Track Listing
Matt Emery - Raindrops and Blood Spurts [0:00]
Portico Quartet - Terrain II [5:33]
J Foerster / N Kramer - Entrance [14:34]
Sau Poler - Ritualidad Ritmica [21:23]
Andrew Tasselmyer - Dust Settles [27:35]
Six Organs of Admittance - Somewhere in the Hexagon of Saturn [30:41]
Yoshinori Hayashi - Morning Haze [39:10]
David Granström - Transience [45:01]
Todd Anderson-Kunert - Taken (part 1) [49:36]
Halftribe - Lucent Forms Travelling [52:46]
Click on the label links to purchase albums from the labels / artists

Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Surgery 242
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Pavel Milyakov & Bendik Giske - S/T (Smalltown Supersound)
James Welburn - Sleeper in the Void (Miasmah)
Alan Licht - A Symphony Strikes the Moment You Arrive (Room40)
Anthony Linell - Winter Ashes (Northern Electronics)
KMRU - Logue (Injazero)
Mark Templeton - Western Sunset (Superpang)
Akira Sileas - Ito (Rusted Tone)
David Cordero - Lamda (Home Normal)
Zane Trow - Still Life (Room40)
Oleksandr Demianenko - Indian memories and captured radio waves (Rusted Tone)
Jacober - Sketch for Winter X: Immortal World (Geographic North)
Jeannine Schulz - Luminous (Polar Seas)
Track Listing
Pavel Milyakov & Bendik Giske - Untitled 1 [0:00]
James Welburn - In and Out of Blue [4:30]
Alan Licht - Room for Storms (excerpt) [9:19]
Anthony Linell - Being Water [14:06]
KMRU - OT [20:00]
Mark Templeton - A Blue Exit [25:55]
Akira Sileas - Cooling [30:08]
David Cordero - Arrow-kt [37:08]
Zane Trow - Part XI The Ghost Lark [41:12]
Oleksandr Demianenko - b1_part four [46:48]
Jacober - Immortal World [51:00]
Jeannine Schulz - Circle IV [56:04]
Click on label links to purchase the featured albums. Support art.

Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Surgery 241
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Cofaxx - Shell Collector (Constellation Tatsu)
James Osland - Almond Drive (Rusted Tone)
Loren Connors & Oren Ambarchi - Leone (Family Vineyard)
Norman Westberg & Jacek Mazurkiewicz - First Man in the Moon (Hallow Ground)
Chihei Hatakeyama - Void XXII (White Paddy Mountain)
Jordane Tumarison - Osmose (1631 Recordings)
Sleepland + duenn - New Environment (Shimmering Moods)
Nebel Lang - Hand in Mine (Whitelabrecs)
Frederico Mosconi - Dreamers and Tides (Dronarivm)
Track Listing
Cofaxx - Peach [0:00]
James Olsand - Tiny Happy People [4:02]
Loren Connors & Oren Ambarchi - Ronnel [7:19]
Norman Westberg & Jacek Mazurkiewicz - First Man in the Moon [19:31]
Chihei Hatakeyama - Blue Cinema [26:02]
Jordane Tumarison - Elle Porte L'eau [29:55]
Sleepland + duenn - Pond [32:04]
Nebel Lang - Inwards [37:21]
Frederico Mosconi - Rust on Shadows [53:52]