
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Surgery 204
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Tuesday Aug 06, 2019
Francesco Giannico - Les Mondes Imaginaires (Time Released Sound)
Comit - Remote Viewing (ASIP)
Telefon Tel Aviv - Dreams Are Not Enough (Ghostly)
K. Leimer - Irrational Overcast (First Terrace)
Albrecht La'Brooy - Healesville (Apollo)
Lifted - 2 (PAN)
Portico Quartet - Memory Streams (Gondwana)
Ami Dang - Parted Plains (Leaving Records)
Michael Cutting - Luft (Eilean)
Avian Comfort - Weekender (Hush Hush)
Lusine - Retrace (Ghostly)
Zahn | Hatami | McClure - Ypsilon (n5MD)
Daigo Hanada - Ouka (Moderna)
Chihei Hatakeyama - Void XIX (White Paddy Mountain)
Track Listing
Francesco Giannico - Annihilated [0:00]
Commit - Soft Focus [5:25]
Telefon Tel Aviv - standing at the bottom of the ocean; [9:59]
K. Leimer - Uncertain Instruction [15:28]
Albrecht La'Brooy - Afternoon Carafe [17:59]
Lifted - Now More Than Ever [26:13]
Portico Quartet - Signals in the Dusk [30:26]
Ami Dang - Raiments [35:55]
Michael Cutting - Tide [39:15]
Avian Comfort - Starboard [42:00]
Lusine - Retrace [45:51]
Zahn | Hatami | McClure - absyrb [50:01]
Daigo Hanada - Under the Starry Sky [53:51]
Chihei Hatakeyama - Hot Summer Night [56:09]

Monday Jul 22, 2019
Surgery 56
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Monday Jul 22, 2019
Fighting the heat and its sapping of creativity energy this weekend. To that end please enjoy this "vintage" episode of Surgery originally posted on March 18, 2008. Stay hydrated!!
Bochum Welt - R.O.B. (Robotic Operating Buddy) (Rephlex)
Lars Stigler - Samarium-Cobalt Compound Impulse-Release Magnets And Linear Resistance Inputs (Karate Joe)
Bobby And Blumm - Everybody Loves (Morr)
Various - Monika Bärchen Songs For Bruno, Knut & Tom (Monika)
Ulaan Khol - I (Soft Abuse)
Atlas Sound - Let The Blind Lead Those Who Can See But Cannot Feel (Kranky)
Borko - Celebrating Life (Morr)
Fuck Buttons - Street Horrrsing (ATP/R)
Principles Of Geometry - Lazare (Tigersushi)
Thee Silver Mt. Zion - 13 Blues for Thirteen Moons (Constellation)
Sun City Girls - You're Never Alone With A Cigarette (Abduction)
Track Listing
Bochum Welt - DR2D [0:00]
Lars Stigler - As Cells Approach Exhaustion... [5:16]
Bobby And Blumm - The Letter [10:37]
Michaela Melian - Locke Pistole Kreuz (Edit) [13:27]
Ulaan Khol - Untitled 04 [17:10]
Atlas Sound - Ready, Set, Glow [20:02]
Borko - Hondo & Borko [22:56]
Fuck Buttons - Sweet Love for Planet Earth [29:38]
Principles Of Geometry - Akeshore [38:17]
Thee Silver Mt. Zion - Blindblindblind [43:36]
Sun City Girls - Sev Acher [56:49]

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Surgery 203
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
The Phonometrician - Mnemosyne (Lost Tribe Sound)
Petrels - The Dusk Looms (Denovali)
Sky Civilian - Open Door (Atom Nation)
Skyphone - Marsh Drones (Lost Tribe Sound)
Seabuckthorn - Crossing (Eilean Rec)
r beny - echo's verse (Dauw)
Offthesky - Illuminate (Eilean Rec)
Spheruleus - Light Through Open Blinds (Lost Tribe Sound)
Multicast Dynamics - Lost World (Denovali)
Loscil - Equivalents (Kranky)
Inner Vision Laboratory - Continuum (Zoharum)
Track Listing
The Phonometrician - Here Comes the Storm [0:00]
Petrels - Surface of Last Scattering [5:17]
Sky Civilian - Alone [11:36]
Skyphone - Kiev [15:58]
Seabuckthorn - The Observatory [20:18]
r beny - crushing [24:06]
Offthesky - Exhale Incandescent [29:55]
Spheruleus - Wreathe [37:42]
Multicast Dynamics - Observation Deck [42:16]
Loscil - Equivalent 7 [46:55]
Inner Vision Laboratory - Unseen Patterns [53:26]

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Surgery 202
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
This year's FIMAV in Victoriaville, QC, Canada was wonderful as usual -- the 35th edition!! As I did last year, I'm presenting an episode showcasing some of the artists who presented stellar shows. As always it is a stylistically mixed bag, but I think it still flows well. Hear for yourselves.
Also, just below the track listing, there is a brief interview with festival founder, general manager, and artistic director Michel Levasseur. Enjoy!
Tyshawn Sorey - Verisimilitude (Pi Recordings)
Tomaga - Extended Play 1 (Negative Days)
Ingrid Schmoliner + Elena Kakaliagou - Nabelóse (Corvo Records)
Peter Brötzmann + Heather Leigh - Sparrow Nights (Trost)
John Butcher - Resonant Spaces (Confront)
Peggy Lee - Echo Painting (Songlines)
Kim Myhr - You Me (Hubro)
Senyawa - Menjadi (Morphine)
Lionel Marchetti + Xavier Garcia - Machine Lyrique (Signature)
Bang on a Can Allstars - Field Recordings (Cantaloupe)
Track Listing
Tyshawn Sorey - Cascade in Slow Motion [0:00]
Tomaga - Bluest [4:25]
Ingrid Schmoliner + Elena Kakaliagou - Goldgefüllter Lippenrand [12:58]
Peter Brötzmann + Heather Leigh - This Word Love [17:57]
John Butcher - Close by, a Waterfall [23:19]
Peggy Lee - Hymn [29:37]
Kim Myhr - You / Me (excerpt) [35:30]
Senyawa - Menjadi Jadi [39:55]
Lionel Marchetti + Xavier Garcia - Dix-Neuf [45:01]
Bang on a Can Allstars - Reeling (Julia Wolfe) [51:35]
Could you compare the planning and execution of the festival at its beginnings to what it is like now, 35 years later?
I guess the process has evolved and refined itself. This has been a work in progress and learning and being open with humility. There is so much music and we know so little. But the plan has always been to be open, to take risks and to have a program as diversified as possible.
What has been the biggest challenge to keeping the festival going year after year?
Not to go bankrupt!
In your introductions to each show you often mention finding new artists by attending other similar festivals around the world. What festivals are your favourites and do you attend them with recruiting in mind or does that just happen organically?
My old favourites are Mulhouse and Wells but I like to go to new Festivals, young and old ones, small and big ones, especially to discover new artists in specific genres of music. I usually do one third of the program with attending other Festivals, one third in listening to all proposals received by mail, usually over 200 each year, and another third that I contact myself through contacts of old friends and suggestions.
This year FIMAV was conducting surveys to determine the make-up of its audience, and you discovered that the festival attracts an older crowd. Is there always a desire to plan shows that might attract younger crowds, and do those have to be considered against what the overall aesthetic of the festival
I made a joke on that presentation. I teased our audience as we have not heard anything about the survey yet. In the mid-90s we had one of the youngest audience for new music in the world, especially because of musicians like Thurston Moore and Mike Patton. When we stopped for a year and came back in 2010 after the big economic collapse we lost a lot of our audience, especially the younger audience who don’t have much money anymore, and they have a lot of shows in big cities like Montreal. But I don’t make up a program for young or old people, but for the music!
During the week of the festival, are you able to occasionally relax and just watch some of the shows, or does your administrative duty keep you too busy?
I present and listen to all concerts. Usually I miss less than an hour of music per Festival… This year I heard every note!
If you had to pick three shows that moved you the most over the whole run of the festival what would they be?
Impossible to answer that one. I would like to mention at least 3 concerts per year so it would be over one hundred concerts to mentioned… I think this year, it is the Barre Phillips Solo with a full house at the Colisée being completely in tune with the musician… a rare moment!
At one of the shows this past year you, maybe jokingly, mentioned you always dreamed of having Jerry Garcia play. Are there any other artists you haven’t had yet that you’d still love to have play?
Frank Zappa!
Do you see yourself continuing to plan the festival for an indefinite period of time, and if you decided to retire from it yourself, do you believe the festival would continue in your absence?
I can’t see much in advance. At the moment I am thinking about next year and I have no idea what is going to happen. I think it is a nice idea to have the Festival continue forever but I believe in having an end for everything and everyone!

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Surgery 201
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Félicia Atkinson - The Flower and the Vessel (Shelter Press)
Hypnotic Earth - Suspended in Silence (Whitelabrecs)
Tess Said So - Piaf's Boyfriend (Preserved Sound)
Yagya - Stormur (ASIP)
Dag Rosenqvist - Blood Transmission (Hidden Vibes)
Western Edge - Prowess (The Declining Winter)
Georgia - Time (Firecracker Recordings)
Carmen Villain - Both Lines Will Be Blue (Smalltown Supersound)
M. Grig - Mount Carmel (12k)
Christopher Willits - Sunset (Ghostly International)
WMD - Young Angry Love (Hush Hush)
Track Listing
Félicia Atkinson - Shirley to Shirley [0:00]
Hypnotic Earth - Christmas Lights [4:18]
Tess Said So - Black Light [8:52]
Yagya - Stormur eitt [12:11]
Dag Rosenqvist - A Single Point [18:26]
Western Edge - You Look So Beautiful from Up Here [26:04]
Georgia - Ayolas [29:16]
Carmen Villain - Observable Future [34:37]
M. Grig - Response [42:20]
Christopher Willits - Coast [50:27]
WMD - Late [56:31]

Monday May 27, 2019
Surgery 1
Monday May 27, 2019
Monday May 27, 2019
Taking a break! Recharging after the excitement of episode 200, and also I'm just getting back from this year's FIMAV in Victoriaville, QC... so what better time to thrill you with the very first episode of Surgery! For reasons I only vaguely remember, the episodes that were posted on the original Blogspot site start with number 22... but unless my timing's wrong, the first episode was posted in early 2004. The graphic is new to this revisit... but I've included the stick figure surgery mascot that graced the first year of episodes. At this point I was only listing the albums and not the track listings, so I apologize for the lack of additional info, but please enjoy this Surgery Prime!
Jim O’Rourke - Bad Timing (Drag City)
Vitaminsforyou - I’m Sorry for Ever and for Always (Intr_Version)
The Books - Thought for Food (Tomlab)
Re:Alms (Constellation)
Tim Hecker - Mirages (Alien8)
Fennesz - Venice (Touch)
AGF - Westernization Completed (Orthlorng Musork)
Patrik Torsson - Kolväteserenader (Häpna)
Radian - Rec.Extern (Thrill Jockey)
Brandylmayr/Dafeldecker/Nemeth/Siewert - Instabilitat der Symmetrie (Grob)
Trapist - Ballroom (Thrill Jockey)
Pan.American - Quiet City (Kranky)

Monday May 13, 2019
Surgery 200
Monday May 13, 2019
Monday May 13, 2019
For the 200th episode I'd initially planned on soliciting a number of artists to each contribute a new or unreleased track. While almost everyone I reached out to was cordial and kind, it quickly became clear that it was going to take a higher degree of hustle than I'd first anticipated. Some had project deadlines, some were in the process of developing new projects, all were very busy. But... just as I was starting to rethink the show idea... the amazing Peter Broderick got back to me. And rather than gift me an unused track, Peter went the extra few hundred miles and actually wrote and recorded a new track especially for the show. That track, 200 Surgeries (his title, btw), closes out this showcase of his work spanning a dozen years or so.
Thank you Peter! And thank you listeners for your continued attention for the past 200 episodes and 20 years of the show in all its incarnations.
Docile (Kning Disk/2007)
http://www.itstartshear.com (Bella Union/2012)
Glimmer (Cote Labo/2011)
Float (Type Records/2008)
All Together Again (Erased Tapes/2017)
Partners (Erased Tapes/2016)
These Walls of Mine (Erased Tapes/2012)
Music for Confluence (Erased Tapes/2011)
Home (Type Records/2008)
How They Are (Bella Union/2010)
Music for Falling From Trees (Erased Tapes/2009)
Exclusive track for Surgery 200 (Peter Broderick/2019)
Track Listing
Begin [0:00]
Asleep [1:50]
It’s a Storm When I Sleep [10:03]
Floating/Sinking [17:39]
Atlantic [21:39]
Conspiraling [24:55]
Inside Out There [29:57]
Some Fisherman on the Snake River [35:15]
Games [39:37]
Guilt’s Tune [41:47]
Patient Observation [46:11]
200 Surgeries [49:04]

Monday Apr 29, 2019
Surgery 199
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Monday Apr 29, 2019
Piotr Kurek - Polygome (Hands in the Dark)
Suso Saiz - Nothing is Objective (Music from Memory)
Jens Pauly - Vihne (Whitelabrecs)
Mikael Lind - Inskrifter (Polar Seas)
Sven Laux and Daniela Orvin - The Writings (Dronarivm)
Kira Kira and Hermigervill Sumarbörn - Sumarbörn (Time Released Sound)
bvdub - At the Alter (Remixes) (bvdub)
VIUL - Bright Decline (Pioulard)
Stijn Hüwels - tomadachi (Dauw)
Oso Leone - Gallery Love (Apollo Records)
Track Listing
Piotr Kurek - Polygome [0:00]
Suso Saiz - Dulce (with Christian Fennesz) [6:22]
Jens Pauly - Nacht [15:42]
Mikael Lind - Tjuvstigen [20:20]
Sven Laux and Daniela Orvin - Friends [24:15]
Kira Kira and Hermigervill Sumarbörn - Ghost Boy in the Moss [30:09]
The Sight Below - Unfurled (bvdub's Prisms of Palaces) [33:56]
VIUL - Bright Decline [46:49]
Stijn Hüwels- tomadachi (yukitomo) [50:49]
Oso Leone - Gallery Love 1 [57:45]

Monday Apr 15, 2019
Surgery 198
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Monday Apr 15, 2019
Prins Thomas - Ambitions (Smalltown Supersound)
Earthen Sea - Grass and Trees (Kranky)
Erik Wøllo - Sources (Smalltown Supersound)
Beric. - Irregular in Shape (HushHush)
Marty Hicks - Olreilion (Bullflat.38)
Kuba Kapsa - Supersonic Moth (Denovali)
Tom Adams - Particles (Moderna)
Orson Henschel - Antigravity (Denovali)
Bill Seaman - The Topologies of Blue (Facture)
Rafael Anton Irisarri - Solastalgia (Room40)
Luke Sanger - Ancient Pathways (Serein)
Saffronkeira - Automatism (Denovali)
Track Listing
Prins Thomas - XSB [0:00]
Earthen Sea - Existing Closer Or Deeper In Space [5:34]
Erik Wøllo - Ody at Sea [9:16]
Beric. - Slow Irregular Variable [12:31]
Marty Hicks - Hiolorium [16:55]
Kuba Kapsa - Unspoken is Better [23:12]
Tom Adams - Particle VI (Shadow & Light) [26:35]
Orson Henschel - Ghost Echoes [29:52]
Bill Seaman - erotic notes _ the figures _ chance re-positionings _ punning investigations _ furtive inventions [37:21]
Rafael Anton Irisarri - Coast Trapped Disturbance [42:30]
Luke Sanger - Snow in Spring [48:10]
Saffronkeira - Conscious in Origin? [52:29]

Monday Apr 01, 2019
Surgery 197
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Monday Apr 01, 2019
Philipp Otterbach - The Rest is Bliss (Knekelhuis)
Or Sobre Blau - The Piri Piri Samplers (Memorials of Distinction)
Various - For the Colleagues of Ubu & Their Authorities (Nutriot)
Juxta Phona - We Will Not Be Silence (Home Normal)
Craig Leon - Anthology of Interplanetary Folk Music Vol. 2: The Canon (RVNG)
Chat Noir - Hyperuranion (RareNoise Records)
Hania Rani - Esja (Gondwana Records)
Eluvium - Pianoworks (Temporary Residence Ltd)
Neal Heppleston - Folk Songs for Double Bass (Preserved Sound)
Ciro Berenguer - El Mar De Junio (Eilean Rec)
Tim Hecker - Anoyo (Kranky)
Track Listing
Philipp Otterbach - Dark Side of the Møn [0:00]
Or Sobre Blau - Mártires [6:04]
Zimpel / Ziolek - Wrens [9:13]
Juxta Phona - we are the shakers of the world [15:09]
Craig Leon - Standing Crosswise In The Square [23:29]
Chat Noir - Humanity [29:47]
Hania Rani - Eden [34:35]
Eluvium - Radio Ballet [39:21]
Neal Heppleston - Just as the Tide was Flowing [42:59]
Ciro Berenguer - Luna Creciente [47:16]
Tim Hecker - That World [51:27]