
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Surgery 196
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Monday Mar 18, 2019
Catherine Watine - Géometries Sous-Cutanée (Time Released Sound)
Holly Herndon - Proto (4AD)
JAB - Erg Herbe (Shelter Press)
Andi Toma - Damn Luel Lit (Infinite Greyscale)
Qasim Nagvi - Teenages (Erased Tapes)
Tujiko Noriko - Kuro OST (Coda to Coda)
Alexandra Spence - Waking, She Heard The Fluttering (Room 40)
Nous - Je suis (flau)
Oatmello - Soft Landing (Inner Ocean)
Jonny Nash - Make a Wilderness (Music from Memory)
Mike Weis & Matt Christensen - Seven Different Places (Zelienople)
Christopher Whitley - Solos (Fluid Audio)
Track Listing
Catherine Watine - Hearth Walking [0:00]
Holly Herndon - Godmother (with Jlin) [4:52]
JAB - Chanterai por mon coraige [7:20]
Andi Toma - Damn Luel Lit [13:52]
Qasim Nagvi - No Tongue [26:35]
Tujiko Noriko - Rooftop [30:09]
Alexandra Spence - Bodyscan [34:44]
Nous - O Heya [38:19]
Oatmeal - Amsterdam [43:15]
Jonny Nash - Shell [45:13]
Mike Weis & Matt Christensen - Ivanhoe South Dune and Swale, Gary, Indiana [50:21]
Christopher Whitley - This condition is healthy [54:53]

Monday Mar 04, 2019
Surgery 195
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Monday Mar 04, 2019
Gideon Wolf - Replicas (Fluid Audio)
Anthéne - Weightless (Home Normal)
Andarctica - Longview (Polar Seas)
Porya Hatami | Aaron Martin | Roberto Attanasio - Sallaw (Dronarivm)
Yutaka Hirasaka - Day By Day (Inner Ocean)
Aries Mond - Cut Off (IIKKI)
Småland - Ljudspårsmusik Vol. 1 (Cloister)
Nivhek - After its own death / Walking in a spiral towards the house (Yellow Electric)
Steve Moore - Beloved Exile (Temporary Residence Ltd)
Celestino - Lived In (Room40)
Track Listing
Gideon Wolf - Derelict [0:00]
Anthéne - Silver Screen [8:01]
Andarctica - Wash [12:28]
Porya Hatami | Aaron Martin | Roberto Attanasio - Pûşper [19:01]
Yutaka Hirasawa - Your Eyes [25:49]
Aries Mond - Iodine [29:08]
Småland - Karen 2 [36:20]
Nivhek - Walking in a spiral towards the house [39:45]
Steve Morse - Your Sentries will be Met with Force [48:05]
Celestino - Other Place [53:13]

Monday Feb 18, 2019
Surgery 194
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Monday Feb 18, 2019
Ossia - Devil's Dance (Blackest Ever Black)
Saba Alizadeh - Scattered Memories (Karlrecords)
Radius - interpolation tapes [restoration zero] (Echospace)
Ian Nyquist - Cuan (Eilean Rec)
JH1.FS3 - Trials & Tribulations (Dais)
Glåsbird - Grønland (Whitelabrecs)
James Bernard - Atwater (A Strangely Isolated Place)
oqbqbo - Untitled (Posh Isolation)
morningdeer & S Olbricht - Grey Lichen (Posh Isolation)
36 - Fade to Grey (A Strangely Isolated Place)
Track Listing
Ossia - Radiation [0:00]
Saba Alizadeh - Blood City [5:28]
Radius - interpolation tapes [0.2] [9:38]
Ian Nyquist - These Blackened Graces [26:10]
JH1.FS3 - Far From Spring [30:25]
Glåsbird - Gunnbjørn Fjeld [34:16]
James Bernard - Atwater [40:34]
oqbqbo - The Way of Tea [45:48]
morningdeer & S Olbricht - Grey Lichen [48:03]
36 - Apartment 451 [53:16]

Monday Feb 04, 2019
Surgery 193
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Monday Feb 04, 2019
Mary Lattimore - Hundreds of Days Remixes (Ghostly)
Christoph de Babalon - Hectic Shakes (Alter)
Jay Glass Dubs - Epitaph (Bokeh Versions)
Simon Scott - Soundings (Touch)
Mac-Talla Nan Creag - The Sorrow Of Derdriu (Firecracker Recordings)
Grizzly Prospector - Dream Story (White Paddy Mountain)
ASC - The Waves (Silent Season)
Hauschka - A Different Forest (Sony Classical)
Benoit Honoré Pioulard / Sean Curtis Patrick - Avocationals (Beacon Sound)
Norihito Suda + Stijn Hüwels - 山水 / Sansui (Home Normal)
Kenji Kihara - Dawn (Eilean Rec)
Track Listing
Mary Lattimore - Wind Carries Seed (King Britt Medicinal Remix) [0:00]
Christoph de Babalon - Endless Inside [8:51]
Jay Glass Dubs - A New Model for Emulation [13:47]
Simon Scott - Sakura [17:46]
Mac-Talla Nan Creag - Love’s Promise [21:04]
Grizzly Prospector - Fidelio (The House) [28:12]
ASC - Hadal Zone [30:44]
Hauschka - Ghosts [38:19]
Benoit Honoré Pioulard / Sean Curtis Patrick - Stonefax [41:00]
Norihito Suda + Stijn Hüwels - 鴨 / Kamo [44:36]
Kenji Kihara - Warm Haze [51:14]

Monday Jan 21, 2019
Surgery 192
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Monday Jan 21, 2019
Adrian Lane - I Have Promises to Keep (Preserved Sound)
Umber - This Earth to Another (Sound in Silence)
Tetuzi Akiyama, Ken Ikeda, Chihei Hatakeyama - Erroribus Humanis et Antinomy (White Paddy Mountain)
The Green Kingdom - Expanses Remixes (Dronarivm)
Dimitar Dodovski - Predeli (Hibernate)
Deaf Center - Low Distance (Sonic Pieces)
Banabila & Machinefabriek - Entropia (Eilean Rec)
Tim Linghaus - About B. (Memory Sketches B-Sides Recordings) (Sound in Silence)
Corey Fuller - Break (12k)
bvdub - Explosions in Slow Motion (n5MD)
The Gentlemen Losers - Make We Here Our Camp Of Winter (Sound in Silence)
Various - Sleeplaboratory 1.0 (Whitelabrecs)
Track Listing
Adrian Lane - Rumour on the Wind [0:00]
Umber - It Just Fills The Hollow Spaces [3:46]
Tetuzi Akiyama, Ken Ikeda, Chihei Hatakeyama - II [5:57]
The Green Kingdom - Untitled (remix by Roel Funcken) [13:00]
Dimitar Dodovski - Predel (ii) [15:58]
Deaf Center - Movements / The Ascent [22:30]
Banabila & Machinefabriek - Entropia [28:55]
Tim Linghaus - Anatomy Of Our Awkward Farewell Gestures [32:19]
Corey Fuller - Seiche [34:22]
Bvdub - Ember 1 [49:40]
The Gentlemen Losers - Make We Here Our Camp Of Winter [51:54]
M. Grig - Nod [57:23]

Monday Jan 07, 2019
Surgery 191
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Monday Jan 07, 2019
Happy New Year. We're starting things off in 2019 a little differently. I'm hoping to produce 3 or 4 "special" episodes this year that focus on the the works and careers of specific artists that I've found rewarding to follow, often across several projects over the years. First of these is Austrian drummer/percussionist/vibraphonist/electronic artist Martin Brandlmayr. I don't recall if it was his albums with Radian or Autistic Daughters that first caught my attention, but his ability not only to colour with percussion but also to arrange recording of the sound in a very specific and intimate manner continue to capture my attention (and my dollars quite often). I hope you enjoy the overview here... there are many more recordings to explore should you be similarly rapt.
Trapist - The Golden Years (Staubgold)
Radian - Rec.Extern (Thrill Jockey)
Polwechsel - Traces of Wood (hatOLOGY)
Radian/Howe Gelb - Radian versus Howe Gelb (Radian Releases)
Radian - TG11 (Mego Rhiz)
Autistic Daugthers - Jealousy and Diamond (Kranky)
Trapist - Highway My Friend (hatOLOGY)
Martin Siewert / Martin Brandymayr - Too Beautiful to Burn (Erstwhile)
Radian - Chimeric (Thrill Jockey)
Autistic Daugthers - Uneasy Flowers (Kranky)
Track Listing
Trapist - Pisa [0:00]
Radian - Ulan [5:33]
Polwechsel - Nia Rain Circuit [9:07]
Radian/Howe Gelb - Return to Picacho Peak [23:34]
Radian - Spektr [29:57]
Autistic Daughters - A Boxful of Birds [32:17]
Trapist - Mine Was the Shoulder You Cried On That Day [37:38]
Martin Siewert / Martin Brandlmayr - Axis [41:51]
Radian - Feedbackmikro/City Lights [50:00]
Autistic Daughters - Hotel Exeter Dining Room [52:34]

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Surgery 190
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Objekt - Cocoon Crush (PAN)
Croatian Amor - Isa (Posh Isolation)
Various - The Sight Below // Glider 10: Reworks (Ghostly)
Scanner - Vex (Bette)
Lubomyr Melnyk - Fallen Trees (Erased Tapes)
Randall Dunn - Beloved (Figureight)
KTL - The Pyre: versions distilled to stereo (Shelter Press)
Gavin Miller - Shimmer (Sound in Silence)
Felicia Atkinson / Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Indefatigable Purple (Shelter Press)
Cyril Secq + Sylvain Chauveau - Minimal Guitar (Eilean Rec.)
Track Listing
Objekt - Dazzle Anew [0:00]
Croatian Amor - Dark Cut [3:36]
Benoît Pioulard - Further Away [8:07]
Scanner - Vex Venice [13:50]
Lubomyr Melnyk - Son of Parasol [23:43]
Randall Dunn - Mexico City [31:25]
KYL - MadHIT [35:27]
Gavin Miller - Part 1 [43.52]
Felicia Atkinson / Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Indefatigable Purple [49:27]
Cyril Secq + Sylvain Chauveau - Don’t Ask Me Why [56:15]

Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Surgery 189
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Wednesday Dec 05, 2018
Same Waves - Night Ride (flau)
Endless Melancholy - Fragments of Scattered Whispers (Dronarivm)
Offthesky - Enfolding (Hidden Vibes)
Ensemble 0 - Ensemble 0 plays eight compositions and it lasts 38:36 (flau)
KJ - Ex (Dronarivm)
Altars Altars - Fragments (Self-Released)
Ian Wellman - Susan's Last Breath Became the Chill in the Air and the Fog Over the City's Night Sky (Dragon's Eye Recordings)
Niskogradba - Lies, Deception and Sin (Shimmering Moods)
SineRider - Four Years Away (Sound in Silence)
Alessandro Cortini + Lawrence English - Immediate Horizon (Important)
Dino Spiluttini - No Horizon (Umor Rex)
Track Listing
Same Waves - Night Ride [0:00]
Endless Melancholy - Postcards [3:53]
Offthesky - Reliquum [9:08]
Ensemble 0 - JF plays ebows, Sylvain plays guitar, Florent plays percussion, Thomas plays guitar and it lasts 6:59 [14:05]
KJ - Caro [20:52]
Altars Altars - A I [27:14]
Ian Wellman - Settling Fog [30:45]
Niskogradba - Hospital Visit, October 2013 [34:19]
SineRider - Glimmer [41:54]
Alessandro Cortini + Lawrence English - Immediate Horizon 2 [45:27]
Dino Spiluttini - Endurance [51:25]

Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Surgery 188
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Thursday Nov 15, 2018
Francis M. Gri - Decays (Time Released Sound & Time Sensitive Materials)
Bruno Bavota - Re_cordis (Temporary Residence Ltd)
Exael - Collex (West Mineral Ltd.)
Ouvala - Multiperspectivity (Home Normal)
Aquavoice - Silence (Zoharum)
Anthéne - Weightless (Home Normal)
Janek Schaefer - What Light There Is Tells Us Nothing (Temporary Residence Ltd)
Sleepland - Transition/Composition (Whitelabrecs)
Cédric D. Lavoie - 88 (Preserved Sound)
Gallery Six - Kazemakase (hibernate)
Andrew Tasselmyer - Maui (hibernate)
Track Listing
Francis M. Gri - The Age Of Materialism II Anxiety [0:00]
Bruno Bavota - The Night of... [6:39]
Exael - Split [9:39]
Ouvala - Brume + Bellow [15:54]
Aquavoice - Zen Park [21:21]
Anthéne - Hours [24:28]
Janek Schaefer - Tree at the End of the World [28:28]
Sleepland - Crystallized [35:34]
Cédric D. Lavoie - Ghost in the Machine [44:05]
Gallery Six - Pastorale [48:53]
Andrew Tasselmyer - Rain (Haleakala and Ahihi-Kinau) [55:00]

Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Surgery 187
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Thursday Nov 01, 2018
Tangent - Approaching Complexity (n5MD)
Long Arm - Darkly (Project: Mooncircle)
Caminauta - Fragments (Whitelabrecs)
Colorlist - Full Circle (Serein)
Machinefabriek with Anne Bakker - Short Scenes (Zoharum)
Northener - End of the Holiday (Home Assembly)
Silent Harbour - Noctiluna (Echocord)
Giulio Aldinucci - Disappearing in a Mirror (Karlrecords)
Geneva Skeen - A Parallel Array Of Horses (Room40)
Eli Keszler - Stadium (Shelter Press)
Fall Therapy - You Look Different (n5MD)
Tomasz Bednarczyk - Illustrations for Those Who (Room40)
Track Listing
Tangent - Approaching Complexity [0:00]
Long Arm - Something [6:31]
Caminauta - Despedida [9:16]
Colorlist - Pogona [13:55]
Machinefabriek with Anne Bakker - Scene 3 [19:39]
Northener - Principi [22:40]
Silent Harbour - Noctiluca [29:58]
Giulio Aldinucci - Notturo Toscano [35:54]
Geneva Skeen - Frain, Refrain [44:06
Eli Keszler - Flying Floor for U.S. Airways [47:46]
Fall Therapy - Simple Things Fading Away [51:19]
Tomasz Bednarczyk - Sunny Ambient [54:02]