
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Surgery 130
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band - Fuck off Get Free We Pour Light on Everything (Constellation)
Drekka - Ekki gera fikniefnum (Dais)
Orla Wren - The Blizzard That Birthed Her (Facture)
Sunn O))) & Ulver - Terrestrials (Southern Lord)
Faures - Continental Drift (Home Normal)
Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Piano Nights (Ipecac)
Mondkopf - Hadès (In Paradisium)
Benoît Pioulard - Hymnal Remixes (Lost Tribe Sound)
Marsen Jules - Beautyfear (Oktaf)
Hands - The Soul is Quick (Ecstatic Recordings)
Mt. Eerie - Pre-Human Ideas (P.W. Elverum & Sun)
Track Listing
Thee Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band - Rains Thru the Roof at the Grande Ballroom (for Capital Steez) [0:00]
Drekka - Go from My Window [3:51]
Orla Wren/Isnaj Dui - Mountains and Wishbones [11:37]
Sunn O))) & Ulver - Western Horn [16:07]
Faures - Orogenic Uplift [25:07]
Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Unrasiert [28:57]
Mondkopf - Here Come the Whispers [33:22]
Benoit Pioulard - Litiya (The Green Kingdom Remix) [37:27]
Marsen Jules - X [41:12]
Hands - Beelitz-Heilstatten pt10 [45:06]
Mt. Eerie - Lone Bell [52:12]

Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Surgery 69
Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
Tuesday Jan 07, 2014
"Classic" Episode from November of 2008. Enjoy
Various - I Love Dubstep (Rinse)
Castanets - City Of Refuge (Asthamtic Kitty)
micronormous - TBA (Warm Circuit)
Art of Oryx - First Book Of Sound (Berlin-Moves)
Murcof - The Versailles Sessions (Leaf)
Azeda Booth - In Flesh Tones (Absolutely Kosher)
Fursaxa - Kobold Moon (Sylph)
John Geggie, Marilyn Crispell, Nick Fraser - Geggie Project (Ambiances Magnetiques)
Max Richter - 24 Postcards In Full Colour (FatCat)
Aidan Baker + Tim Hecker - Fantasma-Parastasie (Alien8)
Robbie Avenaim - Rhythmic Movement Disorder (Room40)
Fred Frith, Danielle Palardy Roger - Pas De Deux (Ambiances Magnetiques)
Martijn Comes - Lostitude (Panospria)
MoHa! - One-Way Ticket To Candyland (Rune Grammofon)
Ezekiel Honig - Surfaces Of A Broken Marching Band (Anticipate)
Track Listing
Pinch - Punisher [0:00]
Castanets - High Plain 2 [1:56]
micronormous - Rainland [4:32]
Art of Oryx - The Village And The Sea [6:54]
Murcof - Lully's "Turquerie" As Interpreted By An Advanced Script [10:56]
Azeda Booth - Brown Sun [17:25]
Fursaxa - Nakondisi [23:01]
Shackleton - Blood On Hands [25:00]
Geggie/Crispell/Fraser - Across The Sky [28:26]
Max Richter - A Sudden Manhattan Of The Mind [34:54]
Aidan Baker + Tim Hecker - Fantasma-Parastasie [37:34]
Robbie Avenaim - Bodyrocking [42:10]
Frith/Roger - Arpeggio’s Dreamscape [46:09]
Martijn Comes - Trees and Light [50:01]
MoHa! - # Outro [edit] [52:06]
Ezekiel Honig - Epilogue [56:33]

Friday Dec 20, 2013
Surgery 129
Friday Dec 20, 2013
Friday Dec 20, 2013
KILN - meadow:watt (Ghostly Int.)
Cloud Boat - Book of Hours (Remixes) (Apollo)
Ricardo Donoso - As Iron Sharpens Iron (Digitalis)
Various - Wolven (A Modern Interpretation) (Hibernate)
Olan Mill - Hiraeth (Preservation)
Simon James Phillips - Chair (Room40)
Rafael Anton Irisarri - The Unintentional Sea (Room40)
Chronovalve - Trace of Light (Home Normal)
Roly Porter - Life Cycle of a Massive Star (Subtext)
Secret Pyramid - Movements of Night (Students of Decay)
Track Listing
KILN - Roil [0:00]
Ghosting Season - Youthern (Remix) [5:09]
Ricardo Donoso - Affirmation [9:55]
Dag Rosenqvist - Blue Type III [15:34]
Olan Mill - Soft Furnishings [23:51]
Simon James Phillips - Posture [31:03]
Rafael Anton Irisarri - Daybreak Comes Soon [35:41]
Chronovalve - Memories Still With Us [46:15]
Roly Porter - Sequence [50:28]
Secret Pyramid - Escape (Fade Out) [55:00]

Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
Surgery 128
Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
Tuesday Nov 19, 2013
Mai Mai Mai - Theta (Boring Machines)
Senking - Capsize Recovery (Raster-Noton)
ÄÄNIPÄÄ - Through A Pre-Memory (Editions Mego)
Raum - Event of Your Leaving (Glass, House)
Colorlist - Sky Song (Serein)
Kandodo - K2O (Thrill Jockey)
Juana Molina - Wed 21 (Crammed Discs)
Oval - Voa (Self-Released)
Young Echo - Nexus (Ramp)
Recondite - Hinterland (Ghostly Int'l)
Antonymes - There Can Be No True Beauty Without Decay (Hibernate)
Lucrecia Dalt - Syzygy (Human Ear Music)
Four Tet - Beautiful Rewind (Text Records)
Sylvain Chauveau - Kogetsudai (Brocoli)
Track Listing
Mai Mai Mai - Upnos [0:00]
Senking - Capsize Recovery [4:39]
ÄÄNIPÄÄ - Mirror of Mirror Dreams (edit) [10:25]
Raum - Event of Your Leaving [18:44]
Colorlist - Montreal [22:09]
Kandodo - Grace and [25:21]
Juana Molina - Final Feliz [30:08]
Oval - Emocor (feat Hana Kobayashi) [33:46]
Young Echo - My Child, My Chain [35:58]
Recondite - Floe [40:30]
Antonymes - The End of Everything [ii] [43:01]
Lucretia Galt - Soliloquios [47:16]
Four Tet - Crush [49:12]
Sylvain Chauveau - Dark Clouds in the Sand [51:35]

Wednesday Oct 23, 2013
Surgery 127
Wednesday Oct 23, 2013
Wednesday Oct 23, 2013
Amen Dunes - Spoiler (Perfect Lives)
Banabila & Machinefabriek - Travelog (Tapu)
Esmerine - Dalmak (Constellation)
Imbogodom - Metafather (Thrill Jockey)
Ben Frost - Black Marrow (Ether Machines)
Diamat - Being is the Sum of Appearing (n5md)
The Stranger - Watching Dead Empires in Decay (Modern Love)
Vampire Slayer - Makeout Weird (BLWBCK)
Vatican Shadow - Remember Your Black Day (Hospital Productions)
Stave - Reform (FSS)
Moritz Von Oswald Trio - Blue (Honest Jon's)
Amen Dunes - Julius Eastman Under The Stairs [0:00]
Banabila & Machinefabriek - Antennas [9:10]
Esmerine - Hayale Dalmak [11:37]
Imbogodom - Laudanum Husk [15:21]
Ben Frost - The Lake [17:55]
Diamat - Hartes Herz (25:32]
The Stranger - Spiral of Decline [30:39]
Vampire Slayer - Downtown 3am [35:01]
Vatican Shadow - Muscle Hijacker Tribal Affiliation [37:54]
Stave - Minus3 [43:22]
Moritz Von Oswald Trio - Blue Dub [48.50]HAPPY HALLOWE'EN!

Wednesday Aug 21, 2013
Surgery 126
Wednesday Aug 21, 2013
Wednesday Aug 21, 2013
Dustin Wong - Mediation of Ecstatic Energy (Thrill Jockey)
Ken Camden - Space Mirror (Kranky)
The Haxan Cloak - Excavation (Tri Angle)
Cloud Boat - Book Of Hours (Apollo Records)
Miles - Unsecured (Modern Love)
Rhian Sheehan - Stories from Elsewhere (Loop)
Saltland - I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us (Constellation)
Marsen Jules Trio - Présence Acousmatique (Otkaf)
Seaworthy + Taylor Deupree - Wood Winter Hollow (12k)
Plankton Wat - Drifter's Temple (Thrill Jockey)
Grumbling Fur - Glynnaestra (Thrill Jockey)
Dustin Wong - Japan [0:00]
Ken Camden - Dominic Sunset [5:54]
The Haxan Cloak - Dieu [13:13]
Cloud Boat - Amber Road [17:57]
Miles - Plutocracy [21:22]
Rhian Sheehan - Little Sines [28:58]
Saltland - ICA [32:24]
Marsen Jules Trio - Les trains sortent de la gare [36:18]
Seaworthy + Taylor Deupree - Wood [43:05]
Plankton Wat - Klamath at Dusk [50:44]
Grumbling Fur - The Ballad of Roy Batty [56:36]

Monday May 27, 2013
Surgery 125
Monday May 27, 2013
Monday May 27, 2013
Late Spring "Rock" episode. With tracks from the vault.
Esmerine - If Only A Sweet Surrender To The Nights To Come Be True (Madrona)
Jim O'Rourke - Insignificance (Drag City)
A Silver Mt. Zion - He Has Left Us Alone But Shafts Of Light Sometimes Grace The Corners Of Our Rooms (Constellation)
Shipping News - Save Everything (Quarterstick)
Rachel's - Music For Egon Schiele (Quarterstick)
Gastr Del Sol - Crookt, Crackt, Or Fly (Drag City)
Boxhead Ensemble - Dutch Harbor: Where The Sea Breaks Its Back (Atavistic)
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven (Kranky)
David Grubbs - Banana Cabbage, Potato Lettuce, Onion Orange (Table of the Elements)
Harris Newman - Accidents With Nature And Each Other (Strange Attractors)
Track Listing
Esmerine - Tungsten [0:00]
Jim O'Rourke - Good Times [5:05]
A Silver Mt. Zion - 13 Angels Standing Guard Round the Side of Your Bed [9:06]
Shipping News - A True Lover's Knot [16:34]
Rachel's - Egon & Edith [26:40]
Gastr Del Sol - The C in Cake [29:40]
The Boxhead Ensemble - The Ravens [33:10]
Godspeed You Black Emperor! - Cancer Towers on Holy Road Hi-Way [41:00]
David Grubbs - Potato Lettuce [45:00]
Harris Newman - Driving All Night With Only My Mind [57:12]

Thursday Apr 04, 2013
Surgery 124
Thursday Apr 04, 2013
Thursday Apr 04, 2013
Benoît Pioulard - Hymnal (Kranky)
Olafur Arnalds - For Now I Am Winter (Mercury Classics)
James Blackshaw & Lubomyr Melnyk - The Watchers (Important)
Ensemble Pearl - S/T (Drag City)
Ulfur - White Mountain (Western Vinyl)
Isnaj Dui - Duodecim (FBox)
Clouds - USB Islands (Ramp Recordings)
wzrdryAV - Pacific Greyscale (Digitalis)
Fabio Orsi & Pimmon - Procrastination (Home Normal)
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Devotion (Devotion)
Ruhe - A Beautiful Weakness (Audio Gourmet)
Strom Noir / Spheruleus - Morning (Audio Gourmet)
Track Listing
Benoit Pioulard - Excave [0:00]
Olafur Arnalds - Hands, Be Still [4:02]
James Blackshaw & Lubomyr Melnyk - Haftorang [7:30]
Ensemble Pearl - Wray [16:03]
Ulfur - White Mountain [20:28]
Isnaj Dui - May 2012 [24:31]
Clouds - Get Over It [28:55}
wzrdryAV - Sleeping Room [35:08]
Fabio Orsi & Pimmon - I Wish You Were In Yallingup [41:10]
Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Difficult Loves [51:28]
Ruhe - A Beautiful Weakness [54:42]
Spheruleus - How Dwellings Shadowed [57:31]

Tuesday Feb 19, 2013
Surgery 123
Tuesday Feb 19, 2013
Tuesday Feb 19, 2013
Synkro - Acceptance (Apollo Records)
Rainer Veil - Struck (Modern Love)
bvdub - A Careful Ecstasy (Darla)
Voigt & Voigt - Die Zauberhafte Welt der Anderen (Kompakt)
Mice Parade - Candela (FatCat)
Acteurs - Acteurs (Public Information)
Zomes - Time Was (Thrill Jockey
Boduf Songs - Burnt Up On Re-Entry (Southern)
Ethernet - Opus 2 (Kranky)
Jasper TX - An Index Of Failure (Handmade Birds)
Track Listing
Synkro - Disappear [0:00]
Rainer Veil - Bala [4:03]
bvdub - It Was For You, It Was For Us [10:50]
Voigt & Voigt - Intro Koenig [17:27]
Mice Parade - The Chill House [23:58]
Acteurs - Lowow [29:03]
Zomes - Little Lucid Dreamer [33:35]
Boduf Songs - Vermin, Rend Thy Garments [37:29]
Ethernet - Correction [43:54]
Jasper TX - A New Language [51:28]

Monday Jan 28, 2013
Surgery 122
Monday Jan 28, 2013
Monday Jan 28, 2013
Eugene Carchesio - Circle Music (Room40)
Pantha Du Prince & The Bell Laboratory - Elements of Light (Rough Trade)
Vladislav Delay - Kuopio (Raster-Noton)
Voices From The Lake - S/T (Prologue)
Heathered Pearls - Loyal (Ghostly)
Nosaj Thing - Home (Innovative Leisure)
Mogwai - Les Revenants (Rock Action)
Various - Crepuscular Electronica (14 Tracks)
Various - Pop Ambient 2013 (Kompakt)
Pillowdiver - Cassette Recordings (Analogpath)
Kyle Bobby Dunn - In Miserum Stercus (Komino)
Stephan Mathieu - Un coeur simple (Baskaru)
Track Listing
Eugene Carchesio - Circle Music II J [0:00]
Pantha Du Prince & The Bell Laboratory - Photon [6:08]
Vladislav Delay - Avanne [10:44]
Voices From the Lake - Manuvex [18:44]
Heathered Pearls - Beach Shelter (Loscil's Grind Remix) [23:33]
Nosaj Thing - Try (feat. Toro Y Moi) [27:47]
Mogwai - This Messiah Needs Watching [31:57]
No UFOs - Petit A at 90 [36:12]
Michael Mayer - Sully (Wolfgang Voigt Mix) [41:14]
Pillowdriver - 27th of August 2011 [45:57]
Kyle Bobby Dunn - Lake Wapta Rise [50:58]
Stephan Mathieu - Felicité [57:04]