
Tuesday Jan 08, 2013
Surgery 121
Tuesday Jan 08, 2013
Tuesday Jan 08, 2013
Pierre Bastien - Machinations (Rephlex)
LA Vampires with Maria Minerva - The Integration (Not Not Fun)
Peaking Lights - Lucifer In Dub (Mexican Summer)
Kangding Ray - The Pentaki Slopes (Raster-Noton)
Jan Jelinek - PrimeTime (Faitiche)
Christiaan Virant - Fistful Of Buddha (CVMK)
Glissando - The World Without Us (Gizeh Records)
Charlatan - Isolatarium (Type)
Stephan Mathieu & David Sylvian - Wandermude (Samadhi Sound)
Mark Templeton - Jealous Heart (Under the Spire)
Christoph Berg - Paraphrases (Fac-ture)
Manual - Awash (Darla)
Grouper - The Man Who Died In His Boat (Kranky)
Track Listing
Pierre Bastien - Yale Relay [0:00]
LA Vampires w/ Maria Minerva - The Immoral Mr. Tease [3:31]
Peaking Lights - Lo Dub High Dub [7:46]
Kanding Ray - Plateau (A Single Source of Truth) [14:55}
Jan Jelinek - LoneStar [17:53]
Christiaan Virant - Grey Zone [21:11]
Glissando - For the Light [25:07]
Charlatan - Codex [30:01]
Stephan Mathieu & David Sylvian - Deceleration [33:27]
Mark Templeton - Buffalo Coulee [38:39]
Christoph Berg - Poems written by an old (prepared) piano [42:02]
Manual - Shrine [49:33]
Grouper - Difference (voices) [52:36]

Monday Dec 03, 2012
Surgery 120
Monday Dec 03, 2012
Monday Dec 03, 2012
Jessica Bailiff - At the Down-Turned Jagged Rim of the Sky (Kranky)
Matthew Collings & Dag Rosenqvist - Wonderland (Hibernate)
Raime - Quarter Turns Over A Living Line (Blackest Ever Black)
Old Apparatus - Harem (Sullen Tone)
Helios - Helios Remixed (Unseen Music)
Roll The Dice meets Pole - In Dubs (Leaf)
Dakota Suite - An Almost Silent Life (Glitterhouse)
Nico Muhly - Drones (Bedroom Community)
Sylvain Chauveau - Simple (Rare and Unreleased Pieces 1998-2010) (FatCat)
Paul Corley - Disquiet (Bedroom Community)
Taylor Deupree - Faint (12k)
Brambles - Charcoal (Serein)
Willamette - Always In Postscript (Own Records)
Track Listing
Jessica Bailiff - Your Ghost is Not Enough (Be With Me) [0:00]
Matthew Collings & Dag Rosenqvist - Music for Dying Amps [3:23]
Raime - The Walker in Blast and Bottle [7:03]
Old Apparatus - Mernom [12:04]
Rhian Sheehan - Halving The Compass (Remix) [17:07]
Roll the Dice Meets Pole - The Skull Is Built Into the Version [23:39]
Dakota Suite - Lumen [29:44]
Nico Mulhy - Drones & Violin Part IV [31:59]
Sylvain Chaveau - Notre étrangère [34:52]
Paul Corley - She Is In The Ground [35:52]
Taylor Deupree - Negative Snow [44:04]
Brambles - Pink And Golden Billows [53:31]
Willamette - A Year Of Failure, A Year Of Fortune [56:19]

Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Surgery 119
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Wednesday Nov 07, 2012
Various - Hibernate Sampler, Volume 5 (Hibernate)
Jan Jelinek - Music For Fragments / Music & Birds (Faitiche)
Oren Ambarchi & Robin Fox - Connected (Kranky)
Vatican Shadow - Ghosts Of Chechnya (Hospital Productions)
Lukid - Lonely At The Top (Ninja Tune)
Mogwai - A Wrenched Virile Lore (Sub Pop)
Ghost and Tape - Home (Schole Inc)
Mountains - Centralia (Thrill Jockey)
Evan Caminiti - Dreamless Sleep (Thrill Jockey)
The Boats - Ballads Of The Darkroom (Our Small Ideas)
Emeralds - Just To Feel Anything (editions Mego)
Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Instrumental Tourist (Mexican Summer)
Track Listing
Konntinent - Hayashi Drag Track [0:00]
Jan Jelinek - Dipper (5:31)
Oren Ambarchi & Robin Fox - Trios [8:34]
Vatican Shadow - Snipers as a Breed Tend to Be Superstitious [14:15]
Lukid - USSR [21:24]
Mogwai - Rano Pano (Tim Hecker Remix) [25:15]
Ghost and Tape - Pere IV [30:15]
Mountains - Indentical Ship [34:50]
Evan Caminiti - Symmetry [37:49]
Boats - The Ballad of Omission [43:00]
Emeralds - Through & Through [50:13]
Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Scene from a French Zoo [54:44]

Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Surgery 118
Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Wednesday Oct 03, 2012
Balmorhea - Stranger (Western Vinyl)
The Green Kingdom - Incidental Music (Tench)
Various - In Support of Tom Carter (Hibernate)
Yuichiro Fujimoto - Speaks Melodies (Audio Dregs)
Nicolas Bernier - Music for a Piano/Music for a Book (Home Normal)
Various - Air Texture Volume II (Air Texture)
Autistici - Beneath Peaks (Hibernate)
Oneohtrix Point Never / Rene Hell - Music For Reliquary House / In 1980 I Was A Blue Square (NNA Tapes)
Ricardo Donoso - Assimilating the Shadow (Digitalis)
Motion Sickness of Time Travel - Chinaberry (Hooker Vision)
Wil Bolton - Amber Studies (Rural Colours)
Track Listing
Balmorhea - Shore [0:00]
The Green Kingdom - Backyard Epiphany [5:29]
Caught in the Wake Forever - Last of the Heroin [9:36]
Yuichiro Fujimoto - Atlas He Draw [16:46]
Nicolas Bernier - P1.Allegro [21:53]
Library Tapes - Och Natten Andades Redan Under Traden [30:22]
Autistici - Sleep State for Carl Wark [34:22]
Rene Hell - The Bridge [39:45]
Ricardo Donoso - Empathy Gap [43:01]
Motion Sickness of Time Travel - Restless-Sleepless [45:43]
Wil Bolton - Rynek Glowny [51:07]

Monday Sep 10, 2012
Surgery 117
Monday Sep 10, 2012
Monday Sep 10, 2012
Peter Broderick - These Walls Of Mine ( Erased Tapes)
Mount Eerie - Clear Moon (P.W. Elverum & Sun, Ltd.)
Zelienople - The World Is House On Fire (Type)
Maria Minerva - Will Happiness Find Me? (Not Not Fun)
Haleek Maul - Oxyconteen (Merok Records)
Kandodo - S/T (Thrill Jockey)
Sylvain Chauveau & Stephan Mathieu - Palimpsest (Schwebung)
Trapist - The Golden Years (Staubgold)
Johann Johannsson - Copenhagen Dreams (NTOV)
Silent Harbour - S/T (Echocord)
Ssaliva - RZA (Vlek)
Jurgen Muller - Science Of The Sea (Digitalis)
Plankton Wat - Spirits (Thrill Jockey)
Library Tapes - Sun Peeking Through (Self-released)
Track Listing
Peter Broderick - Proposed Solution To The Mystery Of The Soul [0:00]
Mount Eerie - Yawning Sky [2:16]
Zelienople - The Real Devil [5:33]
Maria Minerva - Never Give Up [10:58]
Haleek Maul - Prince Midas (prod. Supreme Cuts) [17:44]
Kandodo - Ceramy [20:43]
Sylvain Chauveau & Stephan Mathieu - I Break Horses [24:30]
Trapist - Pisa [30:51]
Johann Johannson - She Loves to Ride the Port Ferry When it Rains [36:23]
Silent Harbour - Aquatic Movement [39:08]
Ssaliva - Savaan [46:47]
Jurgen Muller - Beyond the Tide [48:42]
Plankton Wat - Cape Meares [54:01]
Library Tapes - End of the Summer [56:24]

Thursday Jun 28, 2012
Surgery 116
Thursday Jun 28, 2012
Thursday Jun 28, 2012
This episode of Surgery is guest programmed by Bartosz Dziadosz who records under the name Pleq
His Bandcamp site is located here and his discography can be perused here.
I encourage you to check out his recordings. Thanks.
Various - Escala 2.3 [volumen 2.3.2 water] (Escala)
Various - Hidden Landscapes 2 (Audio Gourmet)
Various - Escala 2.3 [volumen 2.3.2 water] (Escala)
Various - Escala 2.3 [volumen 2.3.3 snow] (Escala)
Parks - Hidden (Infraction)
Nils Quak - On Sinking (Rural Colours)
Various - Escala 2.3 [volumen 2.3.3 snow] (Escala)
Pjusk - Tele (Glacial Movements)
Offthesky and Pleq - "Hell Bent Down The Ego Hole" (unreleased track)
Zvuku - Other Room Listening (Futuresequence)
Offthesky - "Kill Your Phase, Face Your Kill" (unreleased track)
Pleq - "Crushed Bones" (unreleased track)
Strië – Õhtul (Stashed Goods)
Track Listing
Antonymes - Stanlow
Rudi Arapahoe - Double Bind
Yui Onodera - In The Space
Talvihorros - Otolith
Parks - Perfect Silence
Nils Quak - There Will Be No Harm
Segue - Shimmer
Pjusk - Gneis
Offthesky and Pleq - Hell Bent Down The Ego Hole
Zvuku — Logpile
Offthesky - Kill Your Phase, Face Your Kill
Pleq - Crushed Bones
Strië - Arabesque

Friday Apr 06, 2012
Surgery 115
Friday Apr 06, 2012
Friday Apr 06, 2012
Desolate - Celestial Light Beings (Fauxpas Musik)
Monolake - Ghosts (Imbalance Computer Music)
Burial - Kindred (Hyperdub)
Orcas - S/T (Morr)
Bellows - Reelin' (Entr'acte)
Mirroring - Foreign Body (Kranky)
Nova Scotian Arms - Cult Spectrum (Digitalis)
Motion Sickness of Time Travel/Nova Scotian Arms - Crystal Anniversary (Aguirre)
Giuseppi Ielasi - Untitled, 2011 (Entr'acte)
Mike Cooper - Distant Songs of Madmen (Room 40)
Jon Porras - Black Mesa (Thrill Jockey)
Oren Ambarchi - Audience of One (Touch)
Track Listing
Desolate - Ambrosia [0:00]
Monolake - Aligning the Daemon [6:09]
Burial - Loner [10:52]
Orcas - Carrion [18:15]
Bellows - Track 06 [23:22]
Mirroring - Drowning the Call [29:21]
Nova Scotian Arms - Citadel [35:58]
Motion Sickness of Time Travel - Censer [39:31]
Giuseppi Ielasi - Track 08 [43:11]
Mike Cooper - Dolphins [45:41]
Jon Porras - Desert Flight [47:27]
Oren Ambarchi - Fractured Mirror [52:40]

Wednesday Feb 08, 2012
Surgery 114
Wednesday Feb 08, 2012
Wednesday Feb 08, 2012
Oliveray - Wonders (Erased Tapes)
Leyland Kirby - Eager to Tear Apart the Stars (HAFTW)
Grumbling Fur - Furrier (Aurora Borealis)
Gonjasufi - MU.ZZ.LE (Warp)
Demdike Stare - Elemental: Iris (Modern Love)
Oval - OvalDNA (Shitkatapult)
Anders Ilar - Sworn (Level Records)
Windy & Carl - We Will Always Be (Kranky)
Christina Vantzou / Various - No.1 Remixes (Self-Released)
The British Expeditionary Force - Chapter Two: Konstellation Neu (Erased Tapes)
Stephan Mathieu - To Describe George Washington Bridge (Dekorder)
The Caretaker - Patience [After Sebald] (HAFTW)
Ben Fleury-Steiner - The Places That Find You (Low Point)
Kane Ikin - Contrail (12k)
Track Listing
Oliveray - The Book She Wrote and in the Time [0:00]
Leyland Kirby - No Longer Distance Than Death [2:49]
Grumbling Fun - Nomadic Mirage [10:33]
Gonjasufi - Venom [13:21]
Dendike Stare - Ishmael's Intent [16:00]
Oval - Kasino [23:12]
Anders Ilar - Tomorrow Never Came [25:53]
Windy & Carl - For Rosa [30:25]
Dead Texan - The Adversary of Evil Budd [33:21]
The British Expeditionary Force - Commotion [38:01]
Stephan Mathieu - In Them a Giant Diverted Himself [40:04]
The Caretaker - Everything is on the Point of [45:29]
Ben Fleury-Steiner - White Embers [47:54]
Kane Ikin - Contrail [54:15]

Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
Surgery 113
Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
Wednesday Jan 11, 2012
Wooden Shjips - Remixes 12" (Thrill Jockey)
Motion Sickness of Time Travel - Luminaries & Synasty (Digitalis)
Swod - Drei (City Centre Offices)
Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica (Mexican Summer)
Ólafur Arnalds - Living Room Songs (Erased Tapes)
Grouper & Ilyas Ahmed - Visitor (Social Music)
Ilyas Ahmed - Between Two Skies/Towards the Night (Immune)
Andrew Pekler - Sentimental Favourites (Dekorder)
Jackaszek - Glimmer (Ghostly)
Danny Paul Grody - In Search of Light (Experimedia)
Illuha - Shizuku (12k)
Sepalcure - S/T (Hotflush)
Willamette - Echo Park (Infraction)
Track Listing
Andy Weatherall - Crossing Remix [0:00]
Motion Sickness of Time Travel - Day Glow [8:13]
Swod - Hellerau [12:58]
Oneohtrix Point Never - Replica [16:32]
Ólafur Arnalds - Near Light [21:05]
Grouper & Ilyas Ahmed - The Edgest [24:30]
Ilyas Ahmed - Circular Sky [29:34]
Andrew Pekler - Un Vent et Une Femme [37:10]
Jackaszek - Pod Swiatlo [39:22]
Danny Paul Grody - Orbits [43:53]
Illuha - Seija [47:30]
Sepalcure - Outside [54:33]
Willamette - Suicide Dream {58:44]

Monday Nov 21, 2011
Surgery 112
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Monday Nov 21, 2011
Ricardo Donoso - Progress Chance (Digitalis)
High Places - Original Colors (Thrill Jockey)
Solyst - S/T (Bureau B)
Byetone - Symeta (Raster-Noton)
Emuul - The Drawing of the Line (Digitalis)
Minamo - Documental (Room40)
Pleq & Spheruleus - A Silent Swaying Breath (Audio Gourmet)
Pimmon - The Oansome Orbit (Room40)
Machinefabriek - Brokstukken (Self-Released)
Christina Vantzou - No/ 1 (Kranky)
Chihei Hatakeyama - Mirror (Room40)
Akira Kosemura - How My Heart Sings (Schole)
Grouper - Water People/Moving Machine (Yellowelectric)
Track Listing
Richard Donoso - Baiting Disappointment [0:00]
High Places - Ahead Stop [4:22]
Solyst - The Isle [7:47]
Byetone - Topas [9:48]
Emuul - The First Look [15:56]
Minamo - Draw the Line [21:16]
Pleq & Spheruleus - Ghostings [32:13]
Pimmon - Yicco [36:35]
Machinefabriek - Untitled [42:14]
Christina Vantzou - 11:11 [45:14]
Chihei Hatakeyama - Renitency [49:09]
Akira Kosemura - Nocturne [52:55]
Grouper - Water People [56:37]